Garbage Truck in Bangkok
Since starting Food Waste project, we would like to find out how to separate fresh food waste. Especially in Bangkok, people do not usually separate their waste. Therefore, all wastes are mixed up and hard to do recycle or turn some useful garbage to valuable products.

There is garbage area next to Thammasat university which has hired labor to separate plastic from garbage (plastic is the only thing that can be sold to recycle factory). Then the rest will be collected by government garbage truck. Surprisingly, garbage truck will compress all garbage into one piece, including food waste in plastic bag. That means even we separate food waste, it is still mixed up with other waste, and almost all of them are end up in the landfill! 

All of these food waste are valuable resource which can be turned to fertilizer or biogas. Bangkok may have to change garbage collection system to be the same as other countries e.g. issue a law having specific day to collect different type of garbage

Visiting San Francisco, USA
People's Grocery Store & City Slicker Farm 
People's Grocery Store is the non-profit organization which helps people in West Oakland health and economy through local food, including growing their own foods as a urban agriculture. They has been partnered with City Slicker Farm to grow fresh foods for community.

The agriculture waste such as leaves will be composted in the wooden box which put red worms for helping graze microbial waste materials and accelerate composting.

Hayes Valley Farm
Hayes Valley Farm is the community agricultural hub encouraging San Francisco residents to connect with one another, by growing their own food and learning about sustainability ecological system. Not only growing vegetables, they also have many activities such as workshop of garden composting & food-soil cycle for everybody.

The same as People's Grocery Store, they use red worms in composting the agricultural waste.